Thursday, November 7, 2013

My Blog

Okay, my blog is doing strange things to me. I know I am weird, blogging about my blog but just go along with it. If you scroll through my blog posts I am sure you will be able to discover one of my issues. Some of my color fonts change. That’s because every time I tried to publish those posts they would only show a title and in order to reveal my actual post you had to highlight over the words with your mouse cursor, so i changed the color and font type and voilà! My post appeared, I don't know why it only does it to some of my posts. Why not all of them? The next thing it is doing is when I am writing a post and decide I want to make a correction, it will delete words as I’m typing new ones, so now I go on Google Docs and type up my post (as I am doing now), then I copy and paste it in so I can publish it. Lastly, it is underlining several of my words and turning them into links when I finally publish my post. I have yet to figure out why and how to fix it. So yeah, my blog is kinda crazy… It is making me try too hard to make a single post. I am curious though, am I the only one having this blogging problem? And why me then? I think my blog might be rebelling against me, I just don’t know why… yet.

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